Thursday, January 31, 2008

Please help my dining room!

This is our living room/dining room. We don't dine in here because we have a large eat-in kitchen/family room, but I would like to be able to if we ever wanted. :)

Now this table is old old old! Not good old like 'antique' old, but bad old, like 'my husband and his buddies used to play flip cup and quarters and it's probably soaked in beer' old. This is the reason I am considering just tossing it and not looking back. I also plan to swap the fan for a chandelier or pendant and will change the window panels, but I'll save that for another day. This side of the room is just kind of blah!

I like this exact set-up from Crate and Barrel. I think the colors would work perfectly!

Triad Dining Table

I'm usually not one to pick an entire room out of a catalog and put it into my home, but I think I love least the idea of this. Any thoughts? I'd love to hear opinions or suggestions!!

Get inspired by Amanda Masters!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I'm obsessed with nurseries!

We do not have children and do not plan on having children for a while, but I am obsessed with designing a nursery. I cannot help myself. I even find myself calling my husband over to the computer to see my latest discoveries. He gives me dirty looks and calls me a nutjob...but I can tell he likes what I am showing him. He just will never admit that. :)

If these don't scream hip baby, nothing will! Check out these bedding collections found at Dimples and Dandelions!! I just love them!

I have so many more nursery designs in my "baby file"..ha ha...but I'll save those for another day!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Great Reads for Interior Inspiration

I personally love thumbing through any one of Kelly Hoppen's design books when I am in search of ideas for my home. I just love her work...simple as that. Some may argue that her designs are impersonal and that her tone throughout her books is somewhat pretentious, but I really couldn't care less. Her interiors are just beautiful and her books are a great resource!

Any one of these would make a great addition to your coffee table and a great source for inspiration. Check these out:

[available at]

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Happy Early Weekend!

I'll be partaking in some pre-Mardi Gras festivities this weekend in New Orleans. I'll be back next Tuesday. Have a great weekend!!


I have seen these FLOR carpet tiles around for a while now, but never really thought anything of them. I don't know why I never had a real opinion of them, I just didn't. I guess because I was not aware of the huge selection of colors, styles, patterns, textures, etc. that exists! Jeez...I had no clue! Yesterday I received two FLOR catalogs and was shocked! Yes! Now I can create my own carpet...forget buying what's at a store! I can make my own, change it up, rearrange tiles, add some, take some get the idea.

Now check out some of the PATTERNS available:

Many TEXTURES from which to choose :

A wide variety of SOLIDS:

Martha Stewart has her own collection of FLOR designs:

**Added bonus** You can order 6 samples for $5.00! The samples are 6-inch squares. You decide what you want for your space and then use the samples to create a work of art (or several)! I'm thinking I might try to frame them...who knows if that will work?! :)

Be sure to check out FLOR! You will not be disappointed!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Like to make stuff?

If you haven't already, check out this bimonthly magazine for people who like to do just that..."make stuff"!

Get inspired, get creative, and get yourself a subscription! For more information, click here!

Coral is everywhere!

pillows from

And just for kicks, my most favorite Coral of all:
Love her!